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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

For my readers from south of the border, happy Independence Day. While I might ordinarily share in the Canadian pass-time of offering extensive unsolicited advice on the way your country ought to function and behave, I do admit that there are brief moments of time in the deepest, most hidden recesses of my heart and mind that I am moved by a feeling akin to patriotic pride by the history and symbols of our southern neighbours. In honour of all the good and positive aspects that the United States has which it tends to sound like I ignore for 364 days of the year, I would like to wish you all a happy Fourth of July.

Note: The picture shown here is copyright of
Edit: It seems I somehow forgot to put a title on this post... that has now been rectified.


S.C. Kavassalis said...

On behalf of 'Americans', thank you for your wishes of a Happy Independence Day.

May the Force of July be with you? (I'm trying to relate to your interests)