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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tomorrow and Friday are Brain Days

Tomorrow and this coming Friday I am going with a friend from some of my neuroscience courses as a Brain Day volunteer to teach some elementary school kids about the brain. The primary emphasis of the event is to teach about brain and spinal cord injury prevention, but we actually cover quite a bit more than that. I don't know if this is just an Ontario thing or maybe my hometown in BC was just too small (and obviously lacked university students studying the brain), but I don't remember this when I was in school. Anyway, I am surprisingly nervous about doing this, mainly because I sometimes get flustered by young children. I am a strong believer in not talking down to children, but at the same time I'm not sure how that will translate into a classroom setting. Well, I just wanted to put up a quick note. I should be doing some lesson plan preparation and then I have to go meet my partner and practice. I will try to put up a post to mention how this goes. Hopefully the young children will not be too scary.