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Monday, November 2, 2009

Title Change, New Blog, and Twitter

There are some rather profound upheavals of my internet presence tonight. I have launched a new wordpress blog: Computing Intelligence. There I will try to put up a post a week discussing some aspect of my research and educational life that I have either been working on or thinking a lot about. Since one cannot have two blogs with the same name, this blog has been renamed to Computing Ignorance. Here I will continue to haphazardly (and, most likely, much more often) post on all the other topics that you are used to reading about (politics, weekly quotations, puzzles, and that sort of thing).

Additionally, I am also making an effort to use Twitter (where you can find me as CaldenWloka).


Unknown said...

FYI, the new name of this blog is pretty much classic. Has a great ring to it, and it feels like it means something really profound. Excellent I think.

Mozglubov said...

Thanks, Robert. I thought the new title sounded good too, and it has a number of interpretations that go nicely with it.

S.C. Kavassalis said...

I certainly like the new title (and the new blog).