Continuing with the lack of actual substance from the past little while, I thought I'd post a photo I giggled at (and have seen at least two other places on the internet, so if you've seen it before please bear with me).
My name is Calden Wloka. I am a graduate student at York University studying Computer Vision in John Tsotso's research group.
You can contact me at
My research oriented blog: Computing Intelligence
I occasionally post puzzles (denoted with the 'Puzzle' label), followed several days later by their solutions (denoted by the 'Puzzle Solutions' label) and a list of solvers. Further details on puzzles can be found at this post. My most popular puzzles are the Oblique Title Puzzles, inspired originally by the Cryptic Canvas.
Heh, I've seen it in a couple of places too, but it's not getting any less funny.
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